Standards for Provider Termination of Care 660-05-30-55
1/1/09 ML 3174)
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Providers must follow these standards for termination of care:
- The provider shall terminate
care of a resident when such care is no longer required or no longer meets
the needs and the best interests of the person receiving Family Foster
Home Care for Adults.
- The provider shall terminate
care of a resident when the provider is no longer qualified to provide
the personal care needed by the resident receiving care.
- The provider who anticipates
the termination of care to a resident shall provide the resident, and
the resident's representative, if any, with at least 30 days written notice
of the termination. The provider shall notify the County Social Service
Agency of the plan to terminate care to a resident. The provider shall
refer or transfer the resident to a setting more appropriate to the resident's
needs. The provider can seek the assistance of the County Social Service
Agency or the Human Service Center for termination planning for a resident.
- If an emergency placement
outside of the home is needed or a resident is hospitalized and the resident’s
condition has changed to the extent that the provider is no longer able
to provide the resident’s care, consideration will be given to waiving
the thirty-day written notice required under subsection 2 provided keeping
the resident or returning the resident to the home would negatively impact
the health and well-being of the resident, other residents living in the
home, or the provider. The Department staff responsible for AFFC licensing
must be contacted by the regional human service center AFFC representative
prior to making the decision to waive the thirty-day written notice requirement.